Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Got in several short workouts at the gym today. Since it snowed and Charlotte panics about snow we got the day off, which was pretty sweet. Swam for 25 minutes and got really bored (as usual) then did some leg weights for a while before getting on a spin bike for 30 minutes.

Later this evening I also got in a pretty hard track workout. Copied from my log:

Jumped in with Scott and Lisska for their 7x1000 @ 5:45 pace workout.

The first 4 felt pretty easy, the 5th was hard, and the 6th was pretty much the last straw. I think I could certainly have completed a 7th, but it wasn't really necessary and it would have just ended up hurting more. Breathing felt pretty fine throughout the workout; I never felt as though I was maxing out in that respect. Mostly kept it pretty controlled. Right quad above knee was sore afterward.

81.5 + 86.1 + 42.2 = 3:29.8
88.3 + 85.3 + 41.3 = 3:34.9
85.2 + 85.1 + 42.4 = 3:32.7
85.4 + 85.0 + 42.0 = 3:32.4
85.8 + 85.4 + 42.6 = 3:33.8
88.2 + 86.4 + 43.0 = 3:37.6

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