Monday, January 19, 2009


Today I set 3 alarms with the goal being to get up and go ride my mountain bike before meeting up to run at 10am (both at Francis Beatty park). I set my A-goal alarm at 7am, my B-goal at 7:45am, and my last resort alarm at 8:30am, which I knew would be the latest I could get up in a leisurely fashion and still make it to the run on time (with no mountain biking beforehand, of course). I didn't fall asleep until 2 last night so waking up at 7 was a struggle. I managed to get myself out of bed and arrived at the park to start riding around 8:30. I got in 1:15 on the trails today and that felt quite nice. It had been a long, long time since my last mountain bike ride so it was a pleasant shift (pun intended, obviously) to 'blast' around some trails.

After the ride I got in a transition run of 5.75 miles or so. The run felt pretty easy as the ride didn't fatigue me at all. All the riding last week got me used to spending 3+ hours on the bike so an hour almost seems inconsequential. That's a very nice feeling...

The trails themselves are pretty nice. They're not very technical but they are fun. Pretty much the opposite of Renaissance. Those are the only two places I've actually done some riding here in Charlotte. I tried going to the White Water Center at the beginning of last year but it had recently rained so the trails were in awful condition, forcing me to quit almost before I had started. Some day I'll make a real effort to ride there. Maybe this weekend, who knows (although I doubt it, because...)

I got my Planet X back from Bike Sport today and it's all built, fitted, and ready to ride. Unfortunately, the weather this week isn't all that pleasant so it may be a while before I actually get to put the hammer down on some roads. Also got a sick new pair of sunglasses - the kind that Macca wears - so I'm excited to see how those function as well. All in all, a good day. Lots of money out of the pocket though, sadly. It happens.

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