Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Got in a great ride on the trainer today. 2 hours, which was longer than any other trainer ride I've ever done by 90 minutes; pretty spectacular, I'd say. Mixed it up a little bit into a 'fartlek' style ride in which I upped the effort a good bit (basically shifted into my big ring) when certain songs came up on my playlist. So I got in 8 or 9 good efforts at around 150 hr that were anywhere from 3-5+ minutes long.

Also got in a promising swim this evening at the Y. Wanted to do an arm intensive workout since I had gotten in 2 hours on the trainer and I definitely managed to tire myself out after only 35 minutes in the pool. I'd much rather have a short swim be due to fatigue than apathy, which is what's been happening recently. Did a bunch of pull sets and my arms were pretty much shot by the end. Yay

1 comment:

  1. hahhaha fartlek style. awesome. you cant even make this stuff up.
