Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bringing it back

S - 14,600 yards
B - 170.3 miles
R - 24.6 miles

Time - 15.63 hours

Coming back...slowly.  That's been the name of the game the past two weeks.  I feel pretty fit on the bike, but that's really about it.  Not swimming for 2.5 weeks had left my water game feeling pretty impotent.  Not running for 2.5 weeks is actually the longest I've gone without running in over 2 years I think.

So starting back has been a choppy process.  Late this past week I started feeling a lot better in the pool.  I have been signed up for Huntersville Sprint for a while but opted for doing a relay instead as I just didn't feel ready to race due to the time off caused by injuries from the accident.

Luckily I had two willing and ready people to join me for my relay attempt.  Jeremy Gregory would swim, I would bike, and Rossome Handy would take the reins on the run.  Jeremy had laid down a 4:48ish 500 yard time a couple of weeks prior to this but luckily he held back a bit so he could get out and run to T1 in an expeditious manner.  Him holding back means a 5:02.  Me holding back means...well...slower than that...

photo cred to Lackerman

I had a pretty good bike and managed to average decent watts (for me).  It has been promising finally seeing some real watts on the bike as for a couple of years I have been fairly disappointed in my output over the shorter distances.  After switching to shorter cranks and raising my front end (along with saddle) to achieve the same fit but open up my hip angle I can say I am completely satisfied with my current position.

Mr Ross Handy had a good run on the hilly course.  I think it was his first "open" 5k in quite a long time.  He negative split, which is always good, and came across the line with a W for the relay team.  We also had the overall fastest time, which is - of course - a goal of mine whenever I assemble a relay of such star-studded talent.

Huntersville Sprint from James Haycraft on Vimeo.

So far in life, teams in which I have participated are 3/3 in relay victories.  White Lake 2012, Belews 2014, Huntersville 2014.  No big deal. I am sure it is completely me.

Next weekend will bring another relay as I have chosen to NOT race Buck Hurley this year.  There are several reasons for that, but first and foremost is the fact that I am just not sure I am ready.  I lost 4-5 weeks of 100% training to the injuries resulting from the accident and I don't want to go to a race and not feel like I am ready to win.

So, Carolina International will hopefully be 4/4 relay victories.  Jeremy and I are partnering up for a sub 2:00 attempt on the longer course.  It's gonna take some doing!

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