Monday, May 13, 2013

Poetry FTMFW

S - 20,700 yards
B - 282 miles
R - 26 miles
Time - 23.67 hours

There once was a triathlete named James
Who refused to go down in flames
He got a little sickly
Which made him a bit prickly
Then raced a race to win

The following week brought a great deal of training
So much that he was semi-constantly complaining
On his long rides he whinnied
And made fun of Jenny
All while trying to spin

The beginning of the week he was great at swimming
Even though he experienced very little winning
During each swim workout
He had little to no clout
Even though his new swimsuit was pimpin'

On a much higher note regarding things that float
The Aquatic Center meet-hosting was no joke
Dressed to the nines the water may've been dyed
UltraSwim 2013 was real bonafide
Watching Olympians competin'

Nothing says awesome like a big week of training
I never said you wouldn't hear me complaining
And while my run miles were a bit behind
The bike miles were quite the grind
And swimming is well, swimming.

The end.

No big deal, just Cullen Jones and Anthony Ervin about to battle out a 100m slugfest

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