Sunday, January 3, 2010

A year in review

This last week saw some bigger bike miles but only because there was more free time since everyone was on holiday.  I didn't get in quite as much swimming as I would have wanted and similarly my running was a wee bit down from last week's but all in all it is no big deal.  Next week I'll begin to do some light running workouts such as a fartlek and a hill workout and those two things will be the name of the game until February when I really start hitting some good running workouts in the build up to the Atlanta half marathon.

Yearly totals:

Races (Distance)
Charlotte Long Course Duathlon (4mi/30mi/4mi)
New Orleans 70.3 (1.2mi/56mi/13.1mi)
National Duathlon Championship (10k/40k/5k)
Lake Murray Triathlon (750m/16mi/5k)
White Lake Half (1.2mi/56mi/13.1mi)
Festival of Flowers Triathlon (1500m/40k/dns run)
Bandits Triathlon (1500m/28mi/10k)
Beach to Battleship Ironman (2.4mi/112mi/26.2mi)

Swimming Yards:
358,316 yards, averaging 6,766 yards per week.  Roughly 120 hours of mindless lap swimming.
Biking Miles:
6,821 miles, averaging 128.7 miles per week.  Roughly 370 hours in the saddle.
Running Miles:
1358.5, averaging 25.6 miles per week.  Roughly 155 hours of pounding the pavement.

I averaged (roughly) 12 hours of training per week.  That's over the course of 52 weeks, meaning that it does not count weeks where I may not have done anything (although I don't think there was a week in 2009 where that happened...).  Same goes for running; I think I took somewhere between 4-6 weeks total off from running this year.  I sprained my ankle severely twice and after B2B I took 3 weeks off my feet to see if I could heal myself for free.

I'd love to be able to increase this by 10% or so, meaning that my total hours would go from around 670 to a little under 750.  I'm fairly sure that's something I can handle but as with all things it depends on a large number of factors.  The DEFINITE increase will be in my running miles.  I had a bad year for running and just didn't really put in enough time to change from an average runner.  Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

Tentative 2010 Schedule (* means tentative or dependent on qualification)

1/24/2010: Charlotte Running Company Trail race (13ish miles)
2/28/2010: Charlotte Long Course Duathlon* (this will depend on the weather; I don't want a repeat of '09)
3/21/2010: ING Georgia Half Marathon (Atlanta, GA)
3/28/2010: Cool Breeze Triathlon (Huntersville, NC) Sprint
4/18/2010: Ironman New Orleans 70.3 (New Orleans, LA) Half Ironman
5/1/2010: White Lake Half I (White Lake, NC) Half Ironman
5/22/2010: Over the Mountain Triathlon (Kings Mountain, NC) International distance
6/13/2010: Whitesville YMCA Triathlon (Owensboro, KY) Sprint
8/7/2010: Stumpy Creek Triathlon (Mooresville, NC) International
8/29/2010: Ironman Louisville (Louisville, KY) Ironman
10/8-10/10/2010: Triple-T Triathlon* (White Lake, NC) Multiple
11/13/2010: Ironman Clearwater 70.3* (Clearwater, FL) Half Ironman (we'll see about this one...)

So, lots on the plate for next year.  The biggest and most important event will be Louisville.  Everything I do this year will be considering that day.  Obviously Clearwater will depend on whether or not I qualify at New Orleans and that's certainly a big 'if' but it's not life or death if I don't get in to the race.  There are other races would be happy to do (i.e. Beach to Battleship Half the next weekend...) so it's not a make or break thing.  I'd also love to get in a Fall/Winter marathon in December but again that's just something that if it works into my schedule it works into my schedule.

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