Sunday, August 26, 2007

So the GreekFest 5k is a pretty fast one going by the results. It always amazes me when old people (basically anyone over 30, duh) are still ridiculously fast. I hope I don't get stop exercising, but given my penchant for laziness it totally could happen. Oh well, I'll still have that irresistible charm regardless of what happens.

The winning time for men was 15:24... This dude was running a 4:58 pace for 3.1 miles. That's ridiculous. For all those runners out there who I've ever maligned I apologize. No matter which way you cut it, 4:58 is effin fast. I'm jealous.

Before the race I noticed a couple of really good-looking girls at the start so I was hoping to impress by being totally awesome and fast; I don't know what happened to one of them but the other almost won the women's division. So that plan didn't really work out. A lot of people were running with ipods, which I didn't really get...I mean training with an ipod is cool but in a race I feel as though one wouldn't want to be distracted by music or even unable to hear people right next to you in the pack. Strange, but everyone is entitled his or her druthers.

The results page is at

I ended up 61st overall (men and women) and 53rd out of 426 men. I was 4th in my age group (20-24) out of 17 total. I'll take that. Immediately following the race I was pretty pissed about my time but I'm more than ok with it now. It's something that will only improve if I keep working.

I enjoyed the race so much I signed up for a labor day 5k in Gastonia, NC (about 30 minutes west of Charlotte). Should be entertaining.

The other AmeriCorps and I went out for the first time together last night and I got tipsier than I expected to. Embarrassed myself I'm sure but who really's what I do. And I'm a champ at it.

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