Monday, August 13, 2007


So, because I'm bored and quite literally have almost nothing else to do besides watch baseball and read I decided I'd put my training results up here; not in the expectation that people will read it and/or be interested by it, nor to brag about how many (or few) miles I've put under my belt (believe me it isn't very many), I simply want a place to look and see how I've done. That's it and that's all, just for fun. I know any runner who has more experience would see the miles as trivial but I'm moving slowly because I don't want to get injured and I am new to doing weeks of 30+ miles.

Date Miles Time Pace Avg HR Time Anaerobic % Anaerobic
8/7/2007 3.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
8/8/2007 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
8/9/2007 5.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
8/10/2007 5.5 39' 35" 7' 15'' 171 15' 00'' 38%
8/11/2007 3.3 24' 30'' 7' 25'' 163 8' 35'' 35%
8/12/2007 5.1 36' 45'' 7' 18'' 175 13' 13'' 40%
8/13/2007 5.1
38' 50''
7' 50''
10' 58''
Weekly Totals 32.9


So, while I've put in the miles I haven't yet hit the pacing the way I would like... I know that on most of these runs my pace outside of the warm-up and cool-down has been right around 6' 30'' but I haven't yet figured out how to do splits on my watch so that's somewhat useless information given that I'm not even sure whether I'm right about it or not. I also feel as though I have a tendency to be anaerobic for way too much time given that most of these are base fitness-building runs and not tempo or interval workouts. I tend to make these into something similar to a fartlek but mine are even less organized than your typical fartlek workout. One of these days I'm going to get the guts to go ahead and just run for an hour but that's a big mental hurdle as I've never been anywhere close to that on any run I've ever done before. I think the closest I've come was somewhere around the 45' mark on a treadmill.

It's also averaging about 100 degrees (110 heat index) in New Orleans during the mid to late afternoon when I'm running so that certainly hasn't helped my times or my mileage. I would guess that by the end of the run I lose (seemingly) several gallons of sweat and body weight, which isn't a very pleasant thought. I'm hoping that once I move up to Charlotte the temperatures will become slightly more mild.

I've also unfortunately been getting slower as the week has gone by. Monday felt like running around with 50 pound legs and my knees didn't feel 100%. Time for a rest day.

One of the cooler things I've discovered with running is the awesomeness that is Google Earth. It's so easy to map out runs and find distances that it's almost hard not to use. You can waste a lot of time just sort of browsing around on that program. Scary to think that if commercial satellites have imagery that good how much better must government satellites be?

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