Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hawaii Travels Diary - Day 5 - More observations

Selfie Pro

I started off today by discovering the sheer joy that is facebook live video broadcasting.  As you may be aware, I went a little overboard yesterday.  If you're not aware, head over to my facebook page and give all of that deliciousness a look-see.  I promise you, nay I swear to you, that it will be worth it.  You actually don't realize the pressure "live" video imparts on you and your script (just kidding, I didn't have a script; not sure if you could tell) as opposed to recorded video.  There's SO MUCH PRESSURE!

I spent another annoying hour at the Kona Aquatics pool, dealing with people who have the strangest taper workouts I've yet to see in triathlon. Thankfully, I have a smart coach and I know he'd never assign me 100s of breaststroke in my lead up to an Ironman event... Can't say the same about some of these athletes.
I guess this signage needs to be in every male locker room

Christine and I also joined up with Heath to go run in the energy lab, which was pretty fun.  That's the one place on the course (I think) that spectators aren't allowed to go so it was nice to see and try and get a feel for what everyone will be going through.  It's definitely hot, and while it might not have felt that bad today during our 45 minute easy trot, I can almost certainly guarantee that it will feel MUCH worse for everyone on Saturday.

Heading into the Lab

Coming out of the Lab

We saw Jan Frodeno and Terrenzo Bozzone running out of the lab, and when we were getting back to the car we saw Jesse Thomas heading out for a little scouting trip.  He was wearing aviators, which honestly seems like an absolutely awful choice as far as sporting optics go.

I also saw the TriRig Omni in person, which I'm happy to say has absolutely no visual appeal to me.  To be honest, none of the beam bikes are appealing to me, including the new P5x.  If I HAD to choose one of the current "beam" bikes my choice would be pretty easy: the Ventum.

Luckily I don't have to choose! My classic P3 works just fine...for now.

TriRig Omni

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